Other Water Testing

Other Water Testing

Hill Labs provides an extensive array of specific water tests to ensure that we meet the needs of all those clients wanting to assess water composition in particular situations. As New Zealand's largest water testing laboratory, Hill Labs can utilise the very latest technologies to conduct water testing including: bottled water testing, swimming pool and spa pool water testing, and winery water testing.

Winery Water Testing

If you make or package wine (grape wine, fruit or vegetable wine, cider and mead) for trade or export, then you need to ensure the water used is of "suitable quality", i.e. that it complies with the Wine Act 2003. The two criteria that should be tested for “clean water” are;

  • E. coli - MPI Limit <1 in 100mL sample. May be found in shallow bore water, or if water supply is not secure.
  • Turbidity - MPI Limit <5 NTU. High turbidity means that particles are present in the water. The particles may be indicative of dissolved species precipitating out of solution (e.g. oxidised iron), or high organic particulates.

Note that own-supply water (water supplied by the winemaker such as tank water, bore water, river water) must be tested every year to determine whether it meets the criteria for clean water. Water obtained from town supply, or from a third party who meets requirements of the Health Act 1956, is considered to be ‘clean water’ and does not need to be tested. 

NZ GAP Water Testing

To assist growers in meeting NZ GAP requirements, Hill Labs offers a convenient test kit. The test kit includes analysis for the presence of E. coli and Faecal Coliforms in water and includes all of the necessary sample items, as well as a courier ticket. The NZ GAP Test is IANZ Accredited and results are provided on a 3 day turnaround time.

For a more comprehensive analysis of the water quality i.e. a water source for both drinking and irrigation, a Routine Water + E. coli suite may be required. 

Swimming and Spa Pool Water Testing

Contamination of swimming pools or spas occurs as a result of various faecal, oral or nasal discharges and skin shedding, and usually results in the accumulation of micro-organisms, some of which are harmful to humans. To assist those managing swimming pools and spa, we offer a convenient test kit. The test kit includes analysis for the presence of Faecal Coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and a standard plate count.

Bottled Water Testing

Testing water for its suitability for bottling becomes more and more expensive as the process of setting up the plant and gaining access to markets progresses. As an initial step though, some basic parameters are covered by our Routine Water profile. There are many bottled water standards including those produced by the International Bottled Water Association and the Australasian Bottled Water Institute. 

Otago Surface Water Quality Testing

Water Quality Rules, plan Change 6A was approved on 26 March 2014 by the Otago Regional Council (ORC). This plan change made provision for controlling contaminants and sediment coming off rural properties into waterways from runoff, leaching and drains (non-point sources). The plan also provides threshold limits for 4 water quality parameters (E. coli, DRP, NNN & NH4N).

Regular testing of tile drains, drains or streams on your property can help determine what affect your farming practices are having on the environment and allow you to access if you are operating within the threshold limits. Threshold limits vary across the region depending on the catchment, refer to the ORC website for the appropriate threshold value for your catchment. 

 Contact us for more info

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What our customers have to say

"We've always found them to be responsive in getting results back and giving advice on problems we might be facing."

Andrew Hutchinson, Technical Manager, Turners & Growers

"We strongly recommend Hill Labs as a sound testing service provider to the honey industry."

Nick Walker, Technical Manager, Egmont Honey

"Their sample registration system has made things simple and seamless - collect, scan and send!"

Mathew Bannister, Compliance Manager, First Fresh New Zealand


As a New Zealand accredited laboratory by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), Hill Labs' commitment to quality is tantamount to our overall operating philosophy. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work.