Wine and Beverage Testing

Wine Testing

Hill Labs offers you a suite of testing for every stage in wine production. We specialise in wine export analysis and have a number of other related analyses to meet all major winery testing needs.

Grape Leaf Roll Virus Testing

Grapevine leaf-roll associated viruses 2 and 3 are harmful pathogens that spread rapidly in vineyards through insect vectors, particularly mealy bugs. These viruses significantly reduce the commercial lifespan of infected vines by degrading fruit quality and overall vine performance, especially in red wine grape varieties.

To combat this, the New Zealand Winegrowers Grafted Grapevine Standard mandates that nurseries test their source material for Grapevine Leafroll-Associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3). Only virus-free material is allowed for grafting and certification under this program. Hill Labs provides testing for both GLRaV-2 and GLRaV-3 using the Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) method, ensuring the detection and management of these viruses.

Pesticide Residues Testing

We can test for over 400 different pesticide residues in grapes, juice and wine, using high-tech instruments to carry out residue analyses. Our results can be directly compared to MRL's to ensure your product is fit for export and supply. Our pesticide residue suites are updated annually to ensure we are we are keeping up with the latest agrochemical registrations. We also offer heavy metal, elemental assays and basic nutritional information panel testing to make sure grapes and wine are safe for consumption.

Export Wine Testing

Hill Labs offers an extensive array of wine export testing options. Our wine export testing is covered by IANZ accreditation and we work closely with the Ministry for Primary Industries to ensure that we have the latest test requirements. 

Wine Composition

Testing for volatiles in your wine can confirm you have a premium wine product. This includes measuring the thiols and methoxypyrazines in your wine and checking there are no unpleasant flavours using our 4EG-4EP test.

Plant Testing

Plant analysis is a valuable diagnostic and monitoring tool that should be used to complement soil analysis. A soil test shows what soil nutrients are available to the crop, while a plant test shows what nutrients the crop has actually taken up. In this way, plant tests provide a more reliable assessment of crop nutrient status. In the case of grapes, leaf/petiole tests at flowering provide a ‘snapshot’ of leaf nutrient levels and nutrient translocation at flowering. However, leaf and/or petiole testing at flowering cannot be used to predict the adequacy of nutrient supply during the fruit ripening period, where moisture stress is likely. In this instance, leaf blade testing at veraison is used to indicate vine nutrient status in the lead up to grape berry ripening.

Winery Water Testing

If you make or package wine (grape wine, fruit or vegetable wine, cider and mead) for trade or export, then you need to ensure the water used is of "suitable quality", i.e. that it complies with the Wine Act 2003. The two criteria that should be tested for “clean water” are;

  • E. coli - MPI Limit <1 in 100mL sample. May be found in shallow bore water, or if water supply is not secure.
  • Turbidity - MPI Limit <5 NTU. High turbidity means that particles are present in the water. The particles may be indicative of dissolved species precipitating out of solution (e.g. oxidised iron), or high organic particulates.

Note that own-supply water (water supplied by the winemaker such as tank water, bore water, river water) must be tested every year to determine whether it meets the criteria for clean water. Water obtained from town supply, or from a third party who meets requirements of the Health Act 1956, is considered to be ‘clean water’ and does not need to be tested. 

Soil Testing

Soil tests measure only a fraction of the total pool of nutrients available to plants (immediate and long term) so it is important that standard New Zealand methods of sampling and soil analysis are used so the results are meaningful and can be related to plant growth under New Zealand conditions.

Juice Testing

The Basic Juice Panel includes tests conducted using chemistry methods but it does not detect microorganisms. This panel includes; Brix, pH, titratable acidity, yeast assimilable nitrogen and malic acid.


Helpful links

Our team of testing experts has meticulously crafted these documents to offer recommendations tailored to your testing requirements.

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What our customers have to say

"We've always found them to be responsive in getting results back and giving advice on problems we might be facing."

Andrew Hutchinson, Technical Manager, Turners & Growers

"We strongly recommend Hill Labs as a sound testing service provider to the honey industry."

Nick Walker, Technical Manager, Egmont Honey

"Their sample registration system has made things simple and seamless - collect, scan and send!"

Mathew Bannister, Compliance Manager, First Fresh New Zealand


As a New Zealand accredited laboratory by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), Hill Labs' commitment to quality is tantamount to our overall operating philosophy. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work.